'Mosaic' Stained Glasses
A Stained Glass "mosaic" refers to works done without the use of any paint (grisaille).
It is a stained glass panel in which the protagonist are the colors of each small glass plate.
Abstract Stained Glasses
Cold and warm tones fight in this panel symbolizing the evil's attempt to overcome the good.
Painting on glass as an Italian ancient technique
Painting on glass was one challenge to overcome. After exploring several historical Italian workshops, I finally could retrieve what I was looking for.
Painting on glass - Perugia, Italy
Big Projects
Every Stained Glass begins with a scale model or proposal drawing to show the general idea. Then, the "cartone preparatorio", which is the drawing in 1:1 scale, takes place. This drawing must be perfect because it is the main rule on which the glass is going to be cut and painted.
Finally, after "burning" in a kiln the painted glass pieces, they are assembled through lead moldings and fixed with stucco.
Chimbote New Cathedral - Peru - Rosette Project
Santo Stefano all' Albereta - Florence, Italy